Winfun offers an extensive selection of fresh mushroom varieties harvested at their peak and delivered farm-to-table to bring out their optimal texture and earthy, umami-rich flavor.
Our fresh mushrooms span many familiar and gourmet varieties including white buttonsportabellas, shiitakeoyster, enoki, etc. They are expertly grown on small farms we partner with domestically and abroad, with great care taken to use sustainable practices for the healthiest mushrooms with the smallest eco-footprint.
From harvesting to delivery, our fresh mushrooms are handled with care to maintain quality and freshness. We meticulously inspect and pack mushrooms individually in breathable containers to prevent bruising or crushing during shipping. Temperature and humidity are closely monitored so the mushrooms arrive in prime, just-picked condition.

Winfun's production and supply chain capabilities

1. 100% certified export base

Winfun Agriculture packs its fruits and mushrooms from a 100% certified export base and factory. Our fruits and mushrooms are famous for their packing technology and taste, a direct result of the important development in the professionalism of the fruit and mushroom sector.

certified export base.jpg

2. Modernized fruit selection system

Winfun has a modernized fruit selection and mushroom packing system in order to keep our fruits and mushrooms loaded with uniform sizes and appearance.

3. Water-clean machining process

Our fruits are dealt with the newest water-clean machining process to make the fruits' appearance more colorful.

Water-clean machining process

4. "Quality Gold Prize"

Winfun Agriculture was awarded by China Fruit Industry Association the "Quality Gold Prize” in the year of 2018 and 2020.